Become a member
If you are in the business of being a gallery owner, antique dealer, or art broker, and would like to join the Professional Committee of Art Galleries, you may submit your application by completing the membership application and sending it to the Committee.
Membership applications are reviewed at CPGA’s Executive Board meetings – approximately four times by year – and are subject to approval by the Officers.
CPGA membership is annual, with the amount of dues based on your business’ sales during the previous year: 2025 dues schedule.
Any gallery wishing to join the Committee must thus provide the following documents:
– The completed and signed membership application.
– The duly completed gallery questionnaire which indicates in particular the APE code, the number of contribution diffuser (URSSAF Limousin), and membership in the Collective Agreement (Non-Food Retailers – CDNA).
– The sponsorship forms of two active members of the Professional Committee of Art Galleries.
– Payment of the membership fee, the amount of which is proportional to the turnover on the basis declared for the previous accounting year (for example: the 2025 membership fee is calculated on the basis of the turnover achieved in 2024).
– A Kbis extract proving its registration in the Trade Register.
Membership implies for the gallery owner:
– The acceptance of the Code of ethics of art galleries and the statutes of the association.
– The proper payment of its annual dues. The financing of the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art is ensured by the contributions of its members. The rigor and solidarity of the members are essential to recognize the value of the work of information and support that the Committee makes available to them. This mode of operation guarantees moral integrity and total independence.
– The obligation to inform the CPGA of any change in the conditions of your activity (gallery owner turned broker, etc.)
– The obligation to respond to the studies conducted by the CPGA: the actions carried out by the CPGA with public authorities, and the communication disseminated in the media, require tangible and updated data to support our arguments. An annual questionnaire is sent to members to feed the “barometer” of art galleries (study of the profile of their structures and their artists); and occasional studies are conducted on specific issues related to their activity. The success of the actions of the Professional Committee of Art Galleries depends on the mobilization of its members and the completeness of their responses.