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Almine Rech

Almine Rech
Almine Rech
Represented artists
Joe Andoe

Joël Andrianomearisoa

Roby Dwi Antono

The estate of Karel Appel

John M Armleder

Farah Atassi

Miquel Barceló

Oliver Beer

Jean-Baptiste Bernadet

Todd Bienvenu

Matthias Bitzer

Andrea Marie Breiling

Jenny Brosinski

Javier Calleja

Brian Calvin

Alejandro Cardenas

The estate of Agustín Cárdenas

Ali Cherri

Ha Chong-Hyun

George Condo

Johan Creten

Xavier Daniels

Sasha Ferré

Genieve Figgis

Sylvie Fleury

Gerasimos Floratos

Günther Förg

Jonathan Gardner

Mehdi Ghadyanloo

Daniel Gibson

John Giorno

Jameson Green

Peter Halley

Gregor Hildebrandt

Michael Hilsman

Ryoji Ikeda

Alex Israel

Marcus Jahmal

Marcus Jansen

Allen Jones

Haley Josephs

Ewa Juszkiewicz

Michael Kagan

Scott Kahn

Minjung Kim

Leelee Kimmel

Jeff Koons

Joseph Kosuth

Alexandre Lenoir
Erik Lindman

Hew Locke

Markus Lüpertz

The estate of Mai-Thu
John McAllister
John McCracken

Alexis McGrigg

Sam McKinniss

The estate of Jean Miotte
Choi Myoung Young
Tia-Thuy Nguyen
César Piette

Ted Pim

The estate of Serge Poliakoff
Larry Poons

Richard Prince

Li Qing

Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe
Nathaniel Mary Quinn

Umar Rashid

Peter Saul

Kenny Scharf

Jan-Ole Schiemann

Turi Simeti

Taryn Simon

Hajime Sorayama

Vaughn Spann

Vivian Springford

Emma Stern

Claire Tabouret

The estate of Antoni Tapies
Genesis Tramaine

Thu-Van Tran

Kim Tschang-Yeul

James Turrell

Tursic & Mille

De Wain Valentine

Francesco Vezzoli

Brent Wadden

Amanda Wall

Ouattara Watts

The estate of Tom Wesselmann
Franz West

Chloe Wise

Ji Xin

Xu Qu

Huang Yuxing

Zio Ziegler