Galerie Hervé Courtaigne
Since 1998, the Hervé Courtaigne Gallery has specialized in the informal abstraction and non-figuration of the Second School of Paris; works dating from the period 1945 to 1970. The Gallery regularly presents works from this period, including: Martin BARRE, Olivier DEBRE, Jean DEGOTTEX, Joe DOWNING, Natalia DUMITRESCO, Jacques GERMAIN, Erdal ALANTAR, Alexandre ISTRATI, Robert HELMAN, Ida KARSKAYA, John LEVEE, Marcelle LOUBCHANSKY, Maria MANTON, André MARFAING, Georges MATHIEU, Jean MESSAGIER, Jacqueline PAVLOWSKY, Maria Helena VIEIRA DA SILVA…
It is within this framework that the gallery organizes 3 to 4 times a year monographic exhibitions, with a particular mention for women painters. In 2015, it exhibited Jacqueline PAVLOWSKY, the couples Natalia DUMITRESCO /Alexandre ISTRATI and Marinette CUECO / Henri CUECO, TANG Haywen and Jérôme DELEPINE. In 2012, the Hervé Courtaigne Gallery expands and the abstract artists of the 50s rub shoulders with the most current, free and poetic abstractions of Jérôme DELEPINE, Michèle DESTARAC, Jean-Michel MARCHETTI, Jean ISNARD, Catherine MARCHADOUR, Leonard COSTELLO or Anne WALKER, and the audacity of the matierist research of: Marie-Noëlle FONTAN, Marinette CUECO or Faust CARDINALI.
At the same time, in the margin of the new abstracts, the Gallery exhibits great masters of contemporary art: Ousmane SOW, George RODGER, CHU Teh-Chun, Jeanne COPPEL, Jean DEGOTTEX, Georges NOEL, Leopoldo NOVOA, Jean MESSAGIER…
The Gallery is also involved in the promotion of Outsider Art, with artists such as Gaston CHAISSAC, Augustin LESAGE, Anselme BOIX-VIVES, Fred DEUX, François JAUVION, KXB7, Scottie WILSON who express themselves outside the mainstream of Art.
Hervé Courtaigne
Tel. 01 56 24 23 00
Tuesday to Saturday: 11am - 1pm / 2pm - 7pm
Arthur Aeschbacher
Erdal Alantar
Serge Charchoune
Chu Teh-Chun
Olivier Debré
Jean Deyrolle
Pierre Dmitrienko
Hisao Domoto
Saliba Douaïhy
Natalia Dumitresco
Jacques Germain
Simon Hantaï
Robert Helman
Alexandre Istrati
Ida Karskaya
John Levée
Marcelle Loubchansky
Maria Manton
Louis Nallard
Jacqueline Pavlowsky
Edgar Pillet
Pierre Pinoncelli
Zao Wou-ki
Chuang Che
Marinette Cueco
Michèle Destarac
Marie-Noëlle Fontan
T’ang Haywen
Jean Isnard
Jean-Michel Marchetti
Leopoldo Novoa
Ousmane Sow
Wakako Yamamoto
Jacqueline B (Barthes)
Karl Beaudelaire KXB7
Anselme Boix-Vive
Gaston Chaissac
Mario Chichorro
Philippe Dereux
Fred Deux
Gaël Dufrène
Yolande Fièvre
François Jauvion
Augustin Lesage
Simone Picciotto
André Robillard
Ody Saban
Robert Tatin
Igniacio Carles-Tolra
Germain Vandersteen
Pépé Vignes
Scottie Wilson