Our galeries
Galerie Madé
In 2001, Madé opened his first space on the Ile Saint-Louis, a photo gallery created within his own photographic agency, EyeMade, which he founded in the early 1990s. His aim as a gallery owner, is to highlight photographic creation and to lookout for singular visions. In September 2013, he moved to Saint-Germain-des-Près. Fashion, still life and portraits are the main artistic fields of the artists he presents.
Madé Taounza
Madé Taounza
Galerie Madé
30 rue Mazarine,
Tel. + 33 1 53 10 14 34
Tuesday to Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm and by appointment
Tel. + 33 1 53 10 14 34
Tuesday to Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm and by appointment
Represented artists
Michel Amet
Pascal Amoyel
Ella Bats
Marguerite Bornhauser
Bertrand Cavalier
Céline Clanet
Blanche Clément
Alain Duplantier
Alain Eglinton
Allyssa Heuze
Anne Immelé
Géraldine Lay
Jean-François Lepage
Andrea Modica
Hally Pancer
Marie Quéau
Lia Rochas-Paris
Anne-Sophie Soudoplastoff
Mark Steinmetz
Joséphine Vallé Franceschi
Pascal Amoyel
Ella Bats
Marguerite Bornhauser
Bertrand Cavalier
Céline Clanet
Blanche Clément
Alain Duplantier
Alain Eglinton
Allyssa Heuze
Anne Immelé
Géraldine Lay
Jean-François Lepage
Andrea Modica
Hally Pancer
Marie Quéau
Lia Rochas-Paris
Anne-Sophie Soudoplastoff
Mark Steinmetz
Joséphine Vallé Franceschi