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The Committee


co - General Manager
Gaëlle de Saint-Pierre
co - General Manager
Vanessa Cordeiro
Executive Assistant
Claire Perret
The current Board of Directors was elected on Monday, January 30, 2023 for a 3-year term.
Marion Papillon (Papillon Gallery)
Vice Presidents
Isabelle Alfonsi (Marcelle Alix), Philippe Charpentier (mor charpentier), Philippe Joppin (High Art), Benoit Sapiro (Le Minotaure)
Magda Danysz
Florence Bonnefous – Air de Paris
Marie-Amélie Carlier – Brimo de Laroussilhe
Marie Deniau – Kaleïdoscope
Alix Dionot-Morani – Crèvecoeur
Marie-Hélène de la Forest-Divonne
Antoine Laurentin
Marie Madec – Sans titre
Michel Rein
Laura Turcan – Marian Goodman
Honorary Presidents
Georges-Philippe Vallois (2011-2019)
Patrick Bongers (2004-2010)
Anne Lahumière (1993 -2003)
Michel Dauberville (1984-1992)
Honorary Vice Presidents
Jean-Pierre Arnoux (2011-2017)
Daniel Gervis (1984-1992)
Denise Majorel (1984-1992)
Honorary members
Jean-Pierre Bénézit
Maurice Jardot
Robert Martin
Membres d’honneur
Jean-Pierre Bénézit
Maurice Jardot
Robert Martin